Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Thinking about 911

My initial podcast about 911 is now available. HERE
It is an overview of what I believe about 911.

Why listen to me? I'm just a regular guy. I don't have special knowledge.

While it's true that I have no special insider knowledge of that day, I have been investigating this issue intensively for the last two years. I have spent many hundreds of hours educating myself on the topics of false flag terrorism and its historical background.

My take on 911 has gone from "What's all this chatter about 911?"- to - "Oh my god! The whole official story is a crock of lies!" I want to share with you how I came to this realization, and even more importantly, I want to add an historical perspective to the events of 911. These events didn't just happen 'out of the blue.' There is plenty of precedent and historical examples of events like 911. It is just the most spectacular example.

Finally, I have been surprised how hard it is for people to open their minds to the possibility that fervently held beliefs about 911 may be wrong. Many of my close friends still cling to the official story line. Even getting someone to just look at the evidence can be a daunting challenge. In subsequent posts I want to explore how people are able to break through to new ways of thinking about 911 and what is holding them back.

If you have stories of how you or a friend was able to come to a new understanding of 911, please share them here. What was the argument or evidence that changed your mind? What were the impediments to reaching a new perspective on 911?


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