Tuesday, March 28, 2006

9/11 Coverup is National News

Last week Charlie Sheen made national news (CNN Showbiz Tonight 7pm) three nights in a row, with coverage continuing every day so far this week as well. What newsworthy event prompted such coverage? Mr. Sheen has announced that he thinks the government has been covering up the truth about 9/11. Charlie thinks 9/11 was an inside job!

Maybe you don't care what he thinks, he's just an actor. Perhaps you want the opinion of an expert like Steven E Jones, professor of Physics at BYU.

Maybe he's too theoretical for you. You want someone from the applied sciences. May I suggest Clemson engineering professor Judy Wood.

Maybe you don't care for 'eggheads'. You want to hear from a true patriot, a military man, like former head of Star Wars and air force colonel, Bob Bowman.

Maybe military types scare you. How about a lady of letters like poet Erica Jong

Maybe you're not into poetry. Prose is more your style. How about Webster Tarpley author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror made in USA?

Maybe you don't trust actors, authors or poets. You want to hear from a man of God. How about David Ray Griffin theologian, professor emeritus at the Claremont School of Theology?

What could a theologian know about national security? You want to hear from an insider to the covert world. How about CIA analyst Ray McGovern, an expert on National Security who's career spanned JFK to GHW Bush?

Maybe you've had enough of Washington bureaucrats. What about an elected official like former U.S. congressman Dan Hamburg?

Maybe he's too far left for you. You want to hear from a Republican. How about Paul Craig Roberts assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury under Ronald Reagan?

OK, he's a Republican, but that was back in the Reagan days. Maybe you need to hear from someone in GW's administration. How about Morgan Reynolds professor emeritus at Texas A&M University and chief economist for the US Department of Labor during Bush's first term?

Maybe you don't want to listen to any of these individuals, but the fact is, a lot of Americans agree with them. Like the 83% of over 50,000 CNN Showbiz Tonight online poll respondents who think the government is covering up the truth of 9/11.

Maybe you don't care what the American people think?

Yea, we know.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

9/11 Truth BREAKOUT

Was this week the "tipping point" for 9/11 Truth?

9/11 Truth, the idea that 9/11 was an inside job, has been on CNN every night this week. In typical American popular culture fashion it took a celebrity to put the issue in the spotlight. Charlie Sheen was the one to do it. His interview with radio host Alex Jones made news when Charlie revealed himself to be a 9/11 skeptic. The initial revelation, on CNN's "Showbiz Tonight" magazine got a fantastic viewer response. It was quickly followed up by interviews on CNN Headline News with Web Tarpley, author of "Synthetic Terror", and other interviews and follow-ups every day this week. (911Blogger has all the details and links to downloadable clips).

In short; CNN has given the 9/11 Truth movement, over 40 minutes of very solid prime and near-prime time coverage.

The term 'Tipping point' refers to that dramatic moment when an idea once unheard-of becomes common knowledge. What critical percentage of mindshare is required for a tipping point is hard to quantify but I don't think there is any question that we are looking at the 9/11 Truth inflection point right now.

I expect popular awareness of 9/11 truth to make dramatic strides in the coming few weeks.

Get ready, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

911? Forgetaboutit!

Why Not Just "Get Over It"

It has been suggested, here and elsewhere, that we 9/11 skeptics, we who believe that 9/11 was an inside job, should just 'get over it' and go back to our former lives as if nothing has happened. We'd feel so much better, it's suggested, if we'd just let go of it. In other words, just take the blue pill and join the rest of the public in their comfortable self deluded stupor.

Sorry, I just can't do that. Besides, it wouldn't work anyway. We tried that before and look where it has gotten us, only deeper into trouble. I'm referring, of course, to 40 years ago when Americans collectively accepted the 'official' lie of the Warren commission regarding the Kennedy assassination. It was a transparently obvious cover-up and a whitewash of a most heinous public murder, and yet we, collectively, let them get away with it. And now look what has happened. Nearly 40 years later the JFK cover-up has become the model for the 9/11 commissions own denial of the obvious.

So if you're the kind of person who can witness the brutal murder of 3000 fellow citizens with ample evidence as the identity of the murders right in front of your face, and yet you can turn your back and accept the official cover-story even though it is a blatant tissue of lies, then I feel sorry for you. I can't do that.

Audio lecture Joan Mellen about JFK assisination and new book; A Farewell to Justice

Controlled demolition of WTC7 - the proof 9/11 was an inside job:

Other 911 information:

Saturday, March 04, 2006

NORAD MIA on 9/11

One of the questions that has baffled me since 9/11 is “Where was NORAD?”

In the last half of the twentieth century, during the cold war, the US faced an enemy with thousands of nuclear weapons poised to strike. We built quite a sophisticated (not to mention expensive) military air defense system called NORAD. NORAD was designed to defend against any Soviet air attack, no matter how massive. It is quite a system, costing nearly a trillion dollars to build and nearly $100B a year to maintain. When it’s not being used to defend against the Soviets, NORAD assists the FAA by scrambling jets to intercept off course or unidentified airliners, which it routinely does about 100 times a year.

FAA rules specify that any commercial airliner that goes off course, or breaks communications, or lacks transponder signal, is to be treated as an emergency and reported to NORAD within minutes… all of which happened on 911. What usually happens next is that NORAD sends up fighters to intercept and investigate. Within 10-20 minutes fighters would normally be in visual contact with the suspect plane. But that didn’t happen on 9/11.

On 9/11 four hijacked planes were allowed to make U-turns in the sky, break radio contact with controllers, turn off or change transponder codes, and fly around for an hour and a half, all without being intercepted by NORAD jets. How can this be?

I’ve read the 911 report. I’ve heard all the excuses: There were training exercises (Vigilant Guardian, Northern Guardian, Vigilant Warrior, etc…) planes supposedly sent in the wrong direction and all the rest. But these are not a justification for what happened. These are simply descriptions of the myriad mechanisms by which commanders diverted the resources of our air defense to allow the completion of the mission, the mission of destroying the twin towers.