Sunday, March 26, 2006

9/11 Truth BREAKOUT

Was this week the "tipping point" for 9/11 Truth?

9/11 Truth, the idea that 9/11 was an inside job, has been on CNN every night this week. In typical American popular culture fashion it took a celebrity to put the issue in the spotlight. Charlie Sheen was the one to do it. His interview with radio host Alex Jones made news when Charlie revealed himself to be a 9/11 skeptic. The initial revelation, on CNN's "Showbiz Tonight" magazine got a fantastic viewer response. It was quickly followed up by interviews on CNN Headline News with Web Tarpley, author of "Synthetic Terror", and other interviews and follow-ups every day this week. (911Blogger has all the details and links to downloadable clips).

In short; CNN has given the 9/11 Truth movement, over 40 minutes of very solid prime and near-prime time coverage.

The term 'Tipping point' refers to that dramatic moment when an idea once unheard-of becomes common knowledge. What critical percentage of mindshare is required for a tipping point is hard to quantify but I don't think there is any question that we are looking at the 9/11 Truth inflection point right now.

I expect popular awareness of 9/11 truth to make dramatic strides in the coming few weeks.

Get ready, it's going to be a bumpy ride.


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